Built-in configurations

Coffeekraken packages are coming each with their configurations that you can access, override, etc... The easiest way to discover configurations is to take a look at the configuration explorer.

Here's some of the main available configurations just for the example:

File Dotpath Description
storage.config.js storage.package.rootDir The current package root path
storage.src.jsDir The path to the javascript sources directory
storage.src.cssDir The path to the css sources directory
storage.src.imgDir The path to the images sources directory
storage.dist.jsDir The path to the javascript distribution directory
... Some other configs...
packageJson.config.js packageJson.name The package name getted from the package.json file
packageJson.version The package version getted from the package.json file
... Some other configs...

All of these configurations are accessible from your JS as well as in your CSS through the PostCss Sugar plugin. This plugin is directly integrated into our development tools but can be installed manually as all standard PostCss plugins

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