What is Coffeekraken

Coffeekraken is an "organisation" that publish packages around web development for things like frontend, backend, etc...

UI components

First, Coffeekraken gives you access to a bunch of UI components ready to use like basic styling (h1, h2, p, blockquote, list, etc...) and some more advanced ones like slider, form validation, panels (modal), range inputs and more...

For a more visual discovery of our UI's components, please check out our styleguide

Theming suite

One of the central part of Coffeekraken is our theming suite utilities. These offers you the ability to setup theme related configuration at one place (.config.ts files) and make use of these in your CSS through our @coffeekraken/s-postcss-sugar-plugin postcss plugin.

This plugin allows you to make use of mixins and functions like these:

In addition to this, you will have access to a lot of helper classes for things like paddings, margin, typography, flex and more...

For more info about using the theming suite, please check out our theming documentation

Development stack

In order to make your daily work experience as smooth as possible, we've built a complete development stack that will scaffold your project folder, install all the needed dependencies and expose simple commands to work with like:

  • npm run dev: Start the development environnment
  • npm run build: Generate a production ready package
  • npm run prod: Preview your website using the production generated assets

Our stack is as well modular and can be updated as you want through our configuration system.

All the different project types like generic, Nextjs, etc... are builded upon our recipes system. This system is mainly a procedural project generator that you can take advantage of by creating your own recipes and speed up your workflow.

Built-in recipes

  • generic: Generic s-kitchen recipe
  • nextJs12: Create easily a next.js 12 app with coffeekraken tools support

Sugar toolkit

Our toolkit named Sugar regroup in 1 packages a lot of helper functions that we uses every day and that we have usually the habbit to search on google every time like querySelectorLive, deepMerge, unique, md5, sha256, easeInterval and a lot more...

The toolkit covers areas like js (browser), node, shared as well as some php ones for now. The goal is to have a toolbox where you have most of the tools you need available at your findertips instead of having to copy/paste code from internet each time...

To start using Coffeekraken tools, the easier way is to install the @coffeekraken/cli package like so:

To start using the Sugar toolkit, check out our /package/@coffeekraken/sugar/doc/README package documentation.

Sugar CLI

Coffeekraken provides a CLI called sugar through which you will be able to scaffold new projects that are ready to work out of the box with the power of all our tools as well as helpers in areas like monorepo, images build and more...

For more info about how to use our CLI, check out our /package/@coffeekraken/cli/doc/README package documentation.


Coffeekraken is built has modular as possible. This mean that you have access to a lot of individual packages like:

  • @coffeekraken/s-images-builder
  • @coffeekraken/s-typescript-builder
  • @coffeekraken/s-postcss-sugar-plugin
  • @coffeekraken/s-code-example-component
  • @coffeekraken/s-color-picker-component
  • @coffeekraken/s-sugar-config
  • @coffeekraken/s-docblock
  • @coffeekraken/s-interface
  • @coffeekraken/s-file
  • @coffeekraken/s-promise
  • @coffeekraken/s-form-validate-feature
  • @coffeekraken/s-view-renderer
  • @coffeekraken/s-frontend-server
  • @coffeekraken/s-theme
  • @coffeekraken/s-color
  • @coffeekraken/s-duration
  • And a lot more...

These packages are the bones of our development suite but they can be used as standelone packages without any issue.

For more info about our available packages, check out our packages documentation.

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the stronger we become.

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We love,
Open source!

All of our codebase can be found on Github. We hope that you may contribute to help us make our tools even better!

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