Building your docmap

To build your docmap, the easiest wait is to use the sugar CLI like so:

Make sure to launch this command in your project root directory.


The docmap builder will search for all your project dependencies that have themselves a docmap.json file at their root, and it will search inside your project for files that have 1 or more docblock(s) with a @namespace ... tag. This @namespace tag is required as the builder uses it to store the item under the good namespace.

As you may doubt, the builder will not take a look inside the node_modules directory to search for files with the @namespace tag. This would be way to slow and not requested. In fact, the builder will take a look in your files using these glob patterns:

  • *

  • src/!(css)/*{0,4}/*.+(txt|htm|html|md|json|csv|rss|xhtml|asp|c|cgi|cfm|pl|class|cpp|cs|h|java|php|py|sh|swift|vb|js|jsp|jsx|css|ts|tsx|rs|dart|twig)

  • dist/+(css)/*

Here's are the excluded folders:

  • **/__tests__/**/*

  • **/__tests__.wip/**/*

  • **/__wip__/**/*

If you need to update or add some globs to search in, simply create a file under .sugar/docmap.config.ts and fill it like so:


By default, the build command will generate a docmap.json file in your project root folder. We recommend you to keep this like that but if you want to update the output location, you can do so by updating the configuration.

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