Views specs

Spec version 1.0.0-alpha.0


His goal is to describe a particular view like hello.twig. By describing the data that this view depends on, you can use that and build your backend automatically. Pretty usefull for medium/large projects.


A specification file has to be named with .spec.json at his end. Usually this mean that if you have a view named card.twig, the files will be something like this:

| src
  | views
    | components
      | card
        | card.twig
        | card.spec.json


Here's an example of the card.spec.json file and how it can be written:

Note that the "cta" property is set to @sugar.views.components.cta. This is a link to another existing spec file that is available from the @coffeekraken/sugar package. To read a spec file, make use of the @coffeekraken/s-specs package that will resolve these links for you.

Data types

Here's the main data types that we think cover a lot of situations. Note that this is more to take as example that final types. You can specify your own types as well depending on your needs:

  • String: Simple string data
  • Text: Similar as "String"
  • Wysiwyg: String that can contain formatting tags
  • Date: Simple ISO date string
  • DateTime: Simple ISO datetime string
  • Time: Simple ISO time string
  • Number: Simple number
  • Integer: Simple integer number
  • Image: Simple image data
    • src: The source of the image
    • alt: The alternative text
    • title: The image title
  • Object: An object described by his own props

Repeatable types array

To define a prop as repeatable, simply suffix his type with [].

Here's a simple example

Resulting data

If we take the overview example above, the resulting data that has to be injected into the view at his render phase could be something like this:

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